Thursday, March 7, 2013

surprise! and snow day!

Last week I turned 27 - woohoo!  It was a great week - kicked off by the birth of my nephew, Jarrett Michael, on Saturday (and with a quick stop at Sarah's birthday party on the way!).  I hadn't been thinking much about my birthday with the any-day arrival of Jarrett on the horizon and so was completely surprised when I came home on Thursday evening to find (almost!) all of my DC favorites in my living room!  Abdoulaye and Cassie planned a stellar birthday smash complete with delicious food (yassa and avocado salad and Papa John's pizza!) and marvelous birthday desserts (above).  I'm so thankful to everyone who came out (and to my awesome roomies) for making me feel so special on my birthday - thank you!  Here are some of my favorite shots.   
roomies of the year award goes to Cassie & Abdoulaye!
With WRI friends
(Surprise!) Birthday celebrating peeps on a roller coaster :) Thanks for the photo idea, Sarah!
I thought I'd add these since we had a snow day yesterday.  Well, we hardly got any snow but it was nice to work from home as a first!
Snow day in Boston :)
Timed pictures in front of a TV?  I can't handle the suspense!  Probs why I can't watch too much - I get so consumed!


  1. I'm so glad you got to have such a wonderful birthday surprise party Jennifer! I'm also so happy that you are now an aunt. Hah, love that hat in the photo of you and Abdoulaye...wear that around the house often?! :) <3

  2. Me too!! :) :) Being an aunt (for almost two weeks) is lovely - I can't get enough pictures of him and can't wait to see him again soon. And I love that hat!!! Wear it as often as I can!

  3. Haha! Love this post. Happy birthday!

  4. you're the cutest.
    Congrats on being an Aunt! <3
    So exciting!


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